Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design

2010 ADA Standards - Miniature Golf

ADA Checklist - Miniature Golf 

U.S. Access Board - Accessible Miniature Golf

U.S. Access Board - Accessible Golf & Miniature Golf Facilities Webinar (pdf)

NOTE: Mini golf courses that were built or altered on or after March 15, 2012 must have at least 50% of their holes wheelchair accessible. 

Disabled Access (Tax) Credit

The Disabled Access Credit provides a non-refundable credit of up to $5,000 for small businesses that incur expenditures for the purpose of providing access to persons with disabilities.

Disabled Access Credit, IRS Form 8826

Understanding the Disabled Access Credit

Accessibility Improvements

Cup Inserts vs Moveable Rocks

If your course has some holes with multiple cup locations, consider using cup inserts versus moveable rocks. The rocks can be a barrier to wheelchair users.

Picture of a mini golf hole cup with an insert next to the hole
Picture of a mini golf hole cup with an insert in the hole

Shorter Bricks vs Full Size Bricks

If your course has full sized bricks lining the entire hole, except for the tee box area, consider replacing the full sized bricks with shorter bricks at the exit points of the hole.

Picture of shorter bricks, which are circled on the picture, at the exit point of the mini golf hole
ich are circled on the picture, at the exit point of the mini golf hole

Wheelchair Symbol on Scorecard

If your mini golf course offers wheelchair accessible holes, but not all the holes on the course (for example 9 of 18 holes), consider adding the wheelchair symbol on the scorecard by each hole number that is a wheelchair accessible hole. Good information benefits everyBODY!

Directional Signage

Does your mini golf course offer wheelchair accessible holes, but not all the holes on the course (for example 9 of 18 holes)? If yes, do you have directional signage on your course showing the accessible route? If no, consider adding signage. Good information benefits everyBODY!

Picture of a directional sign

Accessibility Information

If your mini golf course offers wheelchair accessible holes, and/or ADA putters, is that information on your website? Is that information in your social media profile or in your posts? Do you use the wheelchair symbol? If not, consider adding your accessibility information to your website, your social media, and use the wheelchair symbol to highlight your accessibility. Information benefits everyBODY!

Picture of the action wheelchair symbol